PowerPoint Deck Webinar

PowerPoint Deck Webinar

Powerpoint PORTFOLIO The Foundry by Monster PPT Deck Design MANDATE Design and animate a PowerPoint deck to be presented during a webinar by my colleague where I worked at The Foundry by Monster (now called Monster Strategic Talent Solutions.) A version of this...


Éducaloi Project Details My employer C4 Communications (OBNL360)My employer’s client Éducaloi Solutions Design the brand for the 5th annual benefit event where the theme had an olympian quality Design the communication tools and event...
BOMA Québec

BOMA Québec

Corporate design PORTFOLIO boma Québec MANDATES Design multiple marketing pieces for social media to promote events Magazine ads Conference backdrops and roll-up banners Revamp logo signature and update branding guidelines Produce video material for award gala and...